Why Big Mayo is so threatened by Health Care Reform

obamacareWith a looming government shutdown, merely over a certain party’s concern about affordable healthcare for everyone, it’s time to really examine who is pulling the strings . You see, it goes a bit deeper than the Republican party.

Yes, it was named the Affordable Care Act to make health insurance more "affordable" for consumers. However it also makes it more affordable from the provider end as well. The financial consequences of having a large uninsured class is that we are forced to treat people in Emergency Rooms, which is exponentially more expensive than a doctor’s office. Also, the media needs to start focusing more on the multiple provisions in the law related to “preventative care.” This will help stave off future illness and cost. (more on that a bit later) Therefore, it’s not really logical for Republicans, the so-called party of “budget hawks” to oppose such a cost-saving initiative.

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