Foodies Need to Beware of Fillers

Why would anyone in their right mind be pro-fillers? They dilute taste and hence, they dilute life. Well guess what, that is yet another evil role of mayonnaise: The Great diluter of Life . Case and point: horse radish sauce. If you are fan of the hot roast beef sandwich on a Kaiser roll, you will probably ask for some horse radish. (which is worthy of the utmost respect) Unfortunately, some restaurants may secretly replace their horse radish with something called “horse radish sauce.“ So you need to ask up-front if they are diluting their horse radish because, and I do not mean to start a wide spread panic here, it is diluted with mayo!!! If the dilution take place in-house, then you still might be able to receive 100% pure Columbian horse radish before it gets infected.

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Intestinal Bombs

Like most anti-mayites out there, you probably indulge in the majority of oil-based salad dressings. (as our overall dressing choices are limited in life) And like myself , you may even enjoy an occasional hard boiled egg. It is really ignorant when someone tries to “call out” a mayonnaise hater on eating those two things separately, merely on the basis that combining them begins the horrid mayonation process. Completely irrelevant! If you were ever put in that ridiculous situation , please do not get defensive or resort to violence. You just need to refer your misinformed food critic to Die Hard:With a Vengeance. Are you familiar with that movie? If so, then you might remember there is a plot to blow up schools and when they discover the chemicals behind the bomb,

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Mayo-off or go blind !

Well, common sense always told us that mayonnaise is really really bad for our health , just by reading the mere ingredients. So it doesn’t take a plumber to realize that it clogs arteries. However, props to some Boston researchers who found an interesting new twist about mayo’s bad influence on our health. Turns out that that mayonnaise causes cataracts! If you are a mayo abuser,

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Fear of a dry sandwich

Mayonnaise is the most disgusting thing on this planet and it needs to be stopped. At Holdthatmayo Headquarters, we initially thought the best way to fight this beast was to endorse other condiments. But contributing to the Ketchup lobby backfired . If unsupervised, ketchup will stray to the other side of the tracks, hang with the "wrong element" and boom, come back as Russian dressing. (which can easily find its way back on an unsuspecting sandwich in most Jewish deli's) Hence the mayonnaise comes full circle and thus, has the last laugh,. Next, we looked at Mustard but turns out, that can not be trusted either. You see, its kissing cousin, Dijon, may occasionally cross over to the "other side" of the tracks and mix with you know what. Yup, mayo is indeed the condiment whore.

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Welcome! You found  the premier blog to discuss, debate, and learn about food. This is OUR community so you are encouraged to add your own spin to the food rants , answer our important surveys, trade mayo-free recipes, participate in restaurant boycotts, challenge yourself with our culinary crosswords, and most importantly, have some fun along the way. You can even purchase some really cool apparel to help spread the word to stop spreading that nasty condiment! However, becoming a part of our blog community means more than sharing a dream of a world without mayonnaise. It means that you really care about the type of food you put in your stomach;  It means you are passionate about making the world a better place to eat;  It means you thrive on being a part of something really big. You see, mayo is also a metaphor for everything that is soulless and wrong in the culinary world. If us foodies unite, we can start calling the shots and make the #1 food blog on the web!


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