Welcome! You found the premier blog to discuss, debate, and learn about food. This is OUR community so you are encouraged to add your own spin to the food rants , answer our important surveys, trade mayo-free recipes, participate in restaurant boycotts, challenge yourself with our culinary crosswords, and most importantly, have some fun along the way. You can even purchase some really cool apparel to help spread the word to stop spreading that nasty condiment! However, becoming a part of our blog community means more than sharing a dream of a world without mayonnaise. It means that you really care about the type of food you put in your stomach; It means you are passionate about making the world a better place to eat; It means you thrive on being a part of something really big. You see, mayo is also a metaphor for everything that is soulless and wrong in the culinary world. If us foodies unite, we can start calling the shots and make HoldThatMayo.com the #1 food blog on the web!