Cats Weigh In On Mayo Controversy

The Animal Kingdom has a voice online as well. (and since animals are all foodies at heart, we should really listen to what they have to say!) I love how this cat instinctively knew that mayo is not food but the enemy! So massive props to our feline friend for expressing himself on YouTube. He can be our official mascot for the war on mayonnaise. I love being supported by the species known for discriminating taste. Our culinary army continues to grow. Enjoy!

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Lobster Contamination in New England

A reader named M, from Boston, writes:

OK, I have nothing against mayo, except that I can't stand to eat it, and I suspect that it goesrancid very easily, That said, like most Bostonians, I like lobster, but I hate picking one apart. The alternative is a lobster roll. There are 2 kinds of lobster rolls: those made with melted butter and those made with mayo. The problem is that I can't seem to find a single restaurant in the Boston area that serves a butter-based lobster roll. -- This is what we call choice.

Well M, one great thing about your area as that you have acccess to affordable lobster. (who knew a bug could be so delicious) I have always avoided the rolls cause there is an adhesive involved, and the mayo industry wants their slimy product to always be that adhesive.  I'd imagine butter would work great since most people like to dip fresh lobster in hot butter anyway. It's ashame that mayo weezled its way into the picture. I have mentioned several times how it's sacriledge to combine

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