Obama vs. Big Mayo

President Obama’s campaign bus in 08, signifying Hope, Change, and the condiment he absolutely despises!

As we begin spring, I am feeling a bit nostalgic about the very spring-like campaign theme, “Hope and Change”, which was in full swing around this time, back in 2008. Yes, our first known mayo-hating President, took both the political and culinary world by storm. Back then, Barack Obama would have his Presidential Aide, Reggie Love, by his side, the guy procuring all his sandwiches during those long travels around the country. But more importantly, on that same bus, those two men were not just breaking bread together, but were also plotting a war against an evil food cartel. And trust me, war is what Big Mayo got.

Some of the most important initiatives that came from the early years of the Obama White House, specifically targeted this calorie dense, fat laden condiment. First, you of course have the Affordable Care Act, which is a complex health reform bill, creating much more transparency about harmful food than most people ever realized. From the mandatory menu labeling of calories in certain size restaurants, to giving the poor access to medical care where their diet, and let’s remember, this is a type of diet heavily skewed towards mayonnaise, can finally get scrutinized by a doctor. Plus, you have this theme of “prevention” that’s prevalent in many components of the law. For example, did you know that Obamacare forces insurance companies to cover nutrition and obesity screenings? When the Mayonnaise Cartel found out, they of course felt extremely threatened. But that wasn’t even the half of it. You see, First Lady,  Michelle Obama, followed things up with her overhaul of school lunch programs which targeted of all things, wait for it…….mayonnaise. Talk about a powerful 1-2 punch by the Obamas as they were now targeting the cartel’s “hook’em while their young” marketing strategy. (It’s no coincidence that back in the early 70’s, the Big Mac was first introduced by of all things, a clown, trying to justify the soiling of a hamburger with mayonnaise, or excuse me, let’s call it by their secret code word, “special sauce.” ) Anyway, I can’t tell you the shock waves these Obama initiatives sent through the corridors of Big Mayo. With billions of dollars at the cartel’s disposal to fight back, it should be no surprise as to why these laws got demonized during the Obama presidency and are now on the chopping block under a new regime. This is just a taste of what gets exposed in our film, The Mayo Conspiracy, the ultimate satire on the Culinary Industrial Complex. And although we have won several “Best Comedy” awards on the film festival circuit, our movie is taking on some very topical issues along the way, most notably the influence of outside money in politics, health care reform and even torture. (as we uncover the heinous practice of mayo-boarding)

But there is even more to the story than the politics of mayonnaise mentioned above. There is the cartel’s sordid history. And I am talking about the type of history that gets omitted from textbooks. Starting in the 1930’s,  Big Mayo started sneaking their polarizing product deep into the American food system, but afterwards,  even went on to develop ties with Nazi’s during World War II, as well as the Russians in the 50’s. (during the height of the cold war) Again, it’s no coincidence those same two groups have ties to the all-white, pro-mayo Trump administration, looking to tear apart all of the Obama initiatives dealing with healthier food and nutrition.

The Mayo Conspiracy has finished up its festival run and we are planning for a release this summer on Amazon as well as Amazon Prime! To best stay updated on our progress, please follow us on facebook or twitter.  Now more than ever, during these uncertain times, it’s important for us to spread the word about how this nasty emulsion is destroying the fabric and the food of America!

Happy Eating,

Craig Horwitz

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